Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dish Wasser

Mommy and I had a big day today. We got a new dishwasher! The new one has a six hour delay so now we won't forget to turn on the wash. Typically we waited until we would go to bed to start the washer. We did this because it was so loud we couldn't hear the tv. So how does this relate to Alyce and her world? Well other than she should have more clean cups something cute happened during the installation.

As the installer guy was taking out the old dishwasher Alyce was in my arms. As the guy was moving the old washer out of the slot under the counter top Alyce pointed to it and said "wassur". She was trying to say washer, but we knew what she meant. To our knowledge Alyce didn't know the word washer but out it came. After Alyce's nap she walked into the kitchen and saw the newly installed dishwasher. This time she said "dish wassur". I think Alyce approves of the new applicance. It has lots of buttons that she can press. I know that Mom and I like it. It's quietly running the background while I am writing this. It also has a lockout so Alyce's button presses won't matter a bit.

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