Monday, January 31, 2011

We're In

We're in our new house! Well we've been in. We closed on the house a few weeks ago. However, since then we've been working our tails off getting the house ready to move into. All of this effort comes at expense of blogging about the kids. Feat not because I've taken notes and I'll fill in the blanks when I can.

The day we closed on the house we already started on a project; painting Alyce's room. For the longest time we've been building up the new house to Alyce by telling her she got to pick the color of her room. Almost since leaving our old house Alyce has asked for a dark purple room. Not "pinky purple" like her old room. She wanted "dark purple". Of course Mom and I aren't going to give Alyce unfettered access to the paint chips at Lowe's but mom picked a color Alyce was happy with.

The first time Alyce saw her painted room it was only half finished. Specifically it was only cut in. Alyce said to me later that I missed a lot of places with the paint in her room; everyone's a critic. A few days later when finished Alyce gasped when she walked into her room and then danced in circles around her room.

After closing we grabbed the kids and went out to the new house. We wanted to give them a chance to decompress in their new house. Both Alyce and Luke quickly took to the new house. They ran around in circles, jumped, and rolled on the floor. Seeing their excitement made living in the apartment worth it.

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