Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Alyce's First Video Game

Yesterday Alyce played her first video game.  It was a game on my Xbox called Kissy Poo.  I saw a video about kid friendly games and Kissy Poo was one geared towards kids less than 5.  The plot for Kissy Poo is nonexistent.  You simply move a purple ball around the screen and run it into animals that are moving around the screen.  Every time they meet the animals go from black & white to color and you hear a kissing sound.  Sounds pretty boring right?  Well it is but Alyce just ate it up.  The first time I showed her the game she was all about it and wanted to play as she calls it the "Kissy Poo game".  Once you've kissed all of the animals for the level all the animals start dancing on the screen and this little song plays with the lyrics "do a little dance, cause it's dancin time".  Alyce, sitting in my chair, dances in place, and sings the song.  I have to admit the song is kind of catchy and Mom and I have both caught each other singing and dancing to the song.  Alyce isn't very good at the game; she hasn't quite figured out that moving the stick corresponds to movement on the screen but I'm sure the connection will be coming soon.

Kissy Poo technically isn't her first video game.  She has tried to play the Nintendo Wii before but hasn't had much success.  She starts off real good holding the controller the correct way and going through motions for whatever game we are playing.  After a few minutes her interest wains and she starts dancing around with the Wiimote in hand.  Not exactly the safest thing as Wiimotes are know to go through TV screens with alarming frequency.

I like the fact that Alyce is showing some interest in video games.  Most parents would probably frown upon kids wasting time in front of the TV in such a manner.  I've played video games for pretty much my whole life and can devote a lot of success I have at work to my gaming habit.  I would like video games to be something that Alyce and I can play together to have the parent child bonding experience.  If games like Rock Band are still big when she and Luke are grown up I would love for the whole family to rock out together to The Rolling Stones.

2 comments on "Alyce's First Video Game"

George W. Clingerman on January 26, 2010 at 4:38 PM said...

I'm so glad she liked our game! It's a great feeling to see our target audience really picking it up and enjoying it. I'm a father of four young boys so I've been having a lot of fun watching them grow up and become gamers with me as well :)

Thanks for sharing! Made my day to stumble across someone playing their first video game and it being the one I helped make!

And family Rock Band is a blast! You're going to have some great years here soon :)

Anonymous said...

Nice review of Kissy Poo

You should check out the facebook group Xbox Games For Kids for lots more child friendly games

We have a kids game called Fly, Butterfly, Fly! coming out soon, I hope you'll like that too.

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