Thursday, October 8, 2009


My little girl has picked up her first flu bug.  She awoke this morning complaining that she was cold, didn't want to eat, and had a cough.  Later on she registered a fever too.  Talking to Mom it sounds like Alyce is taking it all in stride by laying around, being tired, and watching tv.

For the sake of history if I look back on this a few years from now there is a big flu scare about the H1N1 flu or Swine flu.  This flu jumped from a pig species over to humans and then the flu jumped from human to human.  The reason why this is such a big deal is that the populace hasn't ever seen a flu of this strain N1 in recent history so the entire population is susceptible since there is no inherent immunity.  All of that being said it is just a flu virus so in an otherwise healthy person it is just an annoyance rather than health concern.

Alyce is almost three and this is her first bout with anything greater than a cold so I would say she has had a pretty good track record of health.  I'm guessing that she picked this up from her another kid at her school and that this won't be the last time she brings something home with her.  I'm hoping that she hasn't infected her brother Luke.  Him being 6 months old could have more serious side effects were he to get infected with any flu strain.

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