Sunday, May 1, 2011


Easter this year for Alyce was kind of split up.  Luke was sick and wasn't able to join my side of the family.  We thought it was important that she see them so she and I took the trip our ourselves.  It wasn't the first time we had to Easter without Mom and Luke.  Two years ago Luke was just born and they didn't make the trip.

Easter started off at our house with Mom's side of the family.  Alyce spent most of the time entertaining while Mom and I cooked.  Alyce had eggs for the first time too! We've tried giving them to her before but this is the first time she said "these are good, what are these?".

Mom snuck away to hide the eggs and we had to scramble to get them as it started to drizzle.  They both had a pretty good haul and it was neat seeing them running around our new front yard.  Next year lets hope for better weather.

Easter on my side was a lot of fun.  Most of Alyce's other cousins where not there leaving her with ample to time to enjoy each and every toy.  There were a few interruptions but everyone managed to play well together.  Her toy of choice was a toy that I played with as a kid a Fisher Price record player.  It is in as good as shape as when I was a kid; a testament to great design.  It winds up and has little records which notches and each notch strikes a note.  A good design that holds up. Be warned the version of this toy they sell now looks the same but the internals are completely different.  It takes batteries now. Is nothing sacred?

The egg hunt was a ruckus affair where the goal was to Dominate The Competition!  Dominate is a tongue in cheek competition we add to the egg hunt to see who can get the most candy the fastest.  Where in fact everyone makes sure that each kid gets roughly the same amount of goodies.  Alyce did a a great job finding eggs and in my opinion Dominated the competition.  But I'm biased.

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