Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome to School

Today Alyce missed her first of what I am sure is to be many day of school.  She started complaining of her throat hurting last night and was running a fever of 99.5.  This morning she was up to 100.5.  I knew that schools were breeding grounds for infection but picking up a bug on the 3rd day of school is hard to believe.

Alyce spent a good portion of last school year sick and we chalked it up as a necessary evil; something you had to endure so you wouldn't be sick all the time while in kindergarten.  I hope this streak of getting sick by being near sick  doesn't continue.  I don't remember always being sick where I pick up something right as I get over something else.  Maybe I was sick and just went to school anyway.  The policy at Alyce's preschool is that the kid has to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to class.  Somehow I doubt that all parents are following that guideline.

Here's to hoping my little girl gets better soon.  I'd hate for her to get sick on Monday, miss Wednesday and Friday, get better over the weekend, and start the process all over again the following Monday.

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