Friday, March 12, 2010

Potty Success From Nowhere

Coming completely out of left field we had some potty success yesterday.  When I got home from work I was greeted by my little girl and she was all hyped up I guess from school.  At one point she was in the bathroom playing around with a box of Princess Band Aids.  I asked her if she needed to use the bathroom and like normal her response was a "no".  After a few minutes she closed the door to the bathroom which isn't that unusual.

I checked on her to see what she was getting in to and to my surprise there was my little girl pants and diaper at her ankles putting her potty seat on the toilet.  After that she moved her bench into position to get up on the toilet.  At that point she discovered she had put the cart before the horse because she wasn't able to get a foot on the bench because her pants were at her ankles.  I told her to pull them up so she could step up and sure enough she did.  At this point Alyce was all about her "privacy" and wanted me to close the door.  Less than a minute later Alyce has taken care of business.  I thought I could go back into bathroom at this point to praise her potty success but I would be wrong.  Alyce still wanted her privacy while she was pulling up her pants and diaper.  She moved her bench over to the sink, washed her hands with soap, and dried them with a towel all by herself.  Finally she emerged from the bathroom having done all the potty stuff "by herself" to mountains of praise and candy from Mom and myself.

We thought we were on to something but we were wrong.  Later that night Alyce did her business in her diaper.  She is so close to being potty trained.  She is physically ready just not mentally.  You aren't supposed to force a kid to do this but how do you get them to want to?  It seems like Alyce only wants to do it when she wants to.  Oh well.  I'm sure one day she'll just start doing it.

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