Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Rough Start

Today we left for our vacation to Disney World! Every trip starts with a first step and ours began at home.

To get to Disney World we are flying. Better 3 hours in the air than 16 by car. We wanted the kids to be on their best behavior so we got an early flight. By early I mean the plane took off before 7:00. To get ready for all of this Grams spent the night so she could take us to the airport in the morning. We were planning on waking the kids around 4:30 - 4:45. Every good, right? Wrong!

During the night a huge storm blew through. Mom and I were up getting ready while the tail end was overhead. Right as Mom was sitting down to put on her makeup the power goes out. From that moment to when we left we had to use flashlights and iPhones to move around the house. Alyce and Luke both had flashlights in the dark and they were having a blast with them. Mom finished packing, Grams got the kids ready, and I packed up the van. Surprisingly we were only 20 minutes late leaving the house.

We had planned a lot of extra time to get on the plane and we needed it. Our experience at the airport was orderly but we didn't have but five minutes to spare.

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