Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Probationally Potty Trained

I'm probably jinxing myself even writing this but I'm thinking Alyce may be potty trained; at least probationally.  In the past few weeks things have been clicking with Alyce and using the toilet.  It started off gradually with saying she needed to go and doing her business without Mom and I saying anything but still having a few accidents to Alyce going full days on a single diaper.  Starting last Wednesday Alyce hasn't soiled a single diaper.  That includes staying clean and dry during quiet time naps, overnight, and a trip to Six Flags.

The driving force behind Alyce becoming toilet trained is two fold.  At home Alyce has said she's wanting to go to dance class and we laid out the carrot that she could go once she didn't have an accident for a whole week and wearing big girl underwear pants.  The other force is peer pressure.  A few girls at her school are toilet trained and I believe there is a set time where all the kids go to use the restroom.  I'm thinking that Alyce is watching the other kids go to the bathroom and she wants to be part of that.  I was taught in high school that peer pressure was a bad thing but I think peer pressure has been very important in getting Alyce to realize that being potty trained is a good thing.

So if we make it to Wednesday Alyce will be able to go to dance class?  Well not exactly.  Alyce has been doing great on the potty however, she is still weary of giving up her beloved "diiipers".  We ask her if she wants to wear big girl underwear pants and her reply is "not yet".  Last night we told Alyce that she was going to be wearing big girl underwear pants to school today to warn her of the impending change.  And talking to Mom it didn't seem as if she put up any fight.  I can't wait to hear how she has done.  Update:  I just heard from Mom that Alyce didn't have any accidents at school today!  I think that is cause for celebration; ice cream tonight!

We are kind of pushing the toilet training now because pretty soon (Thursday) her school is over for the summer and we lose that driving force called conformity.  I'm knocking on wood in hopes that we can close the diapers chapter on the book that is Alyce's life.

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