The tractor ride to the field was pretty intense. This year the field on top of a hill above the store was open. This requires a five minute ride on a trailer where you would fall out that back if you weren't holding on. Alyce was enjoying every minute of it by looking all around and especially at the tractor.
Stalking the trees didn't take very long this year. The intense cold had something to do with speed up T&L's decision. Alyce didn't hang that close to us while strolling around. Pushing Luke in his stroller around a field isn't easy or quick and Shelby was moving quite a bit faster. Alyce was very well behaved. She didn't run off and didn't complain once about the cold. There might have been a few gripes when her mitten fell off or needed to blow her nose but nothing major. I think Alyce was taking a lot of ques from Shelby and modeling her behavior on hers. After the tree was felled we took a few pictures and headed back to the warmth.
Back in the store we were finally able to unbundle, get warm, and take some more pictures. We couldn't hang around too long though; the place was closing and we needed to head out to Onermark Grams' house. We let Alyce ride the train one last time, packed up the kids in the car, and headed out. Both kids fell asleep on the hour long trip and I think they needed it.
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