On Wednesday I took a half day off from work to get some blocks placed on my wall. While out there Alyce was doing her own thing, staying out of trouble, and playing with a pink bat and ball on the patio. As I was placing my ninth block and really started to hit a rhythm my concentration was broken with Alyce saying "oh no, my ball". I asked her where her ball went and she pointed to a piece of black corrugated pipe which was attached to the main drain line that ran from the back of the house, under ground, and to the front of the house. I was instantly sick to my stomach. I pulled the lengths of pipe out, reached into the line and the ball was no where to be seen or felt. At this point I was rather frustrated with my little girl, but I knew it wasn't her fault, and didn't direct any anger towards her. I asked Mom to come out back and bring Alyce inside so that I could cool down a bit and figure out a way to get this ball out of the pipes.
To skip over a lot of details I was unsuccessful in getting out the ball and had to rely on a plumber a few days later to blast the line with water or use a camera to find the ball for $200. Even the plumber was unsuccessful at getting out the ball. I didn't know where the ball was, but I was pretty sure it wasn't in the drain. While picking up some pipes today to get ready for a big day of work tomorrow I looked down into the pipe and staring back at me is the missing pink ball.
A lot of things could have happened. Perhaps Alyce put the ball into this tube but pointed to the other tube when I asked her where her ball was. Maybe I jumped to conclusions on what I thought happened and didn't bother to eliminate the possibilities. I think both Alyce and I need to learn some lessons from this experience. I should look before I leap. I should learn to close open holes when children are around. Alyce could learn to not play around daddy's projects but I think that might be asking too much from a 2 year old. I regret that I had to spend $200 to learn these lessons, but if I don't learn anything from this experience then the money and time would be wasted.
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