Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kicking But No Screaming

Earlier this week maybe Monday Alyce had a little tantrum. One of Alyce's favorite past times is playing on the stairs. She likes to go up and down the stairs and opens and closes the baby gates. Note, If the baby gates are locked she can't open or close them so if she isn't supervised she can't get on the stairs by herself. Typically she just plays on the bottom three or four steps.

On Monday Alyce was going up and down the steps the entire length. After a few trips we told her it was time for her to move onto something else. We took her off of the stairs and locked the baby gate behind us. Naturally she was none to happy about this. Alyce's typical tantrum is that she will collapse on the ground and cry a little bit. Then after a few minutes get up and go do something else. This time Alyce didn't cry as much but laid on the ground and started kicking her legs.

We let Alyce kick it out and sure enough after a few seconds she stops, rolls over, and looks at us. When she sees she isn't going to get her way she gets up comes over to me and sits in my lap. Her tantrum ended there, but she continued pouting for a few minutes longer.

I'm sure this is part of the growing up process and will eventually end. Everything I see Alyce doing the things kids are supposed to do I get such a kick out of it. Mom and I both thought this bout of tantrum was hilarious. Maybe I get a kick out of it because I know that Alyce is developing and these bumps in the road are milestones for development.

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