So my little Daisy (young Girl Scout) is doing her annual duty to the troop by selling Girl Scout Cookies. As far as a product goes the Girl Scouts have a lock. Just post something on Facebook that you are selling and the orders come piling in.
I remember as a kid going door to door shilling the fund raising wares of my school. My mom making me practice my spiel before sending me out the neighbors. Walking up the driveway to every house on the block hoping that no one would be home. I don't plan on Alyce having to run through the whole block but perhaps a knock on a few doors. You know, for character building.
But after calling the grandparents and dropping off the form at work I'm sure she'll have enough boxes sold to qualify for a badge or a pencil or something.
I'd really like to skip the whole fundraising thing altogether. I see the need to raise funds but factor in the time for selling, accounting, and delivery and there's so much work for very little profit. If you need cash give us the option of just writing a check for the average profit you'd like to make per kid. This argument is moot with Girl Scout Cookies because everyone likes those things.