Today Alyce had her first day of school. It isn't kindergarten or even preschool instead she is going to Kid's Day Out. Kid's Day Out (K.D.O.) is a program put on by a lot of churches and schools in the area to get children out of the house, away from the parents, and socialized with other children. We wanted to give Alyce this experience because her access up to this point to children of similar age has been limited.

We've been gearing Alyce up for "school" for the past week since we had our orientation last Tuesday. To do this we have been telling her that she has school next week, that she will be able to play with other kids, and be able to color pretty pictures. On top of that her pink backpack arrived via the mail which has put Alyce in a frenzy.
Today is finally the day and I stayed home to record the event. We got Alyce into her clothes, fed, and out the door. Before zipping off to class we took a few pictures of her in front of the house. I'm not sure why parents do this. Both Mom's parents and my own took pictures of us in front of our childhood homes on our first days of school; here we are continuing the tradition.

Upon getting to school you could tell that Alyce was getting a little nervous. She has always been shy around new people and this was no exception. She was very quiet, looked around, and took stock of everything she saw. She took off her backpack and left it with the others then followed Mom down the hallway to her classroom. By the time I came into the room with Luke in tow Alyce was playing with toys with along side two other kids that arrived before us. Mom gave Alyce a kiss, hug, and some words of encouragement then took exit of the room and eventually the building. Alyce didn't come chasing after us tears streaming down her eyes so she must have been ok by herself in a room full of strangers. I'm thinking the orientation last week was beneficial in getting Alyce used to the teacher and other classmates.

Talking to Mom after the fact she said that she was close to tears twice but held them in. While I wasn't moved to tears I did find it both happy and sad that my little girl was growing up and leaving the nest if only for 2+ hours two days a week. I think this will be good for her and I'm looking forward to getting the scoop on how her first day of school went.