I did a little bit of looking online and the consensus I found was that at first you should take the pedals off the bike and allow them to learn balance before they have to worry about pedaling. Also with no pedals on the bike they can put their feet down without any obstruction. Alyce was in this mode for two different sessions. The first time was with me and she was a little shaky. Alyce's longest run without putting her feet down was 15' or so. On Monday Mom took Alyce out for another session and she made it down the street unassisted!
Tonight we were all out together and after seeing Alyce go down the street a few times I told her she was ready for pedals. I put them on right then and there. We went down to the end of street and with a gentle push she was off!
After a few short rides she was off doing circles through the cul de sac. We practiced stopping without crashing and starting. The only difficulty she has is getting started. If she is on a hill she is ok but if on level ground has a bit of trouble. I figure she'll have that figured out the next time she's out on the bike.
Mom and I were both very proud parents!